Luna the Weimaraner

Sunshine and Sniffles: A Day in North Carolina

North Carolina 2022 – Day Eight: The Battle of the Sniffles

Charming Start to a Not-So-Charming Day

Ah, another delightful day in North Carolina, or so I thought as the sun lazily peeked through my curtains, promising yet another adventure. Alas, my body had other plans for me today, and as I groggily opened my eyes, I realized I was in for a showdown. Was it the infamous “man flu,” a pesky cold, or just the devious work of allergies? Let’s dive into the chronicles of my quest for health.

Conquering the Common Cold, American Style

Waking up, I noticed a stuffy nose and eyes that seemed to have turned on the waterworks without my consent. What a grand welcome from my own body, right? With a sigh, I decided to wage war against this malevolent ailment by taking a stroll to the local Walgreens with my trusty sidekick, Luna (cousin Julie’s dog).

Dollars and Sniffles

Here’s a tip for anyone considering getting sick in the United States: don’t. It’s about as budget-friendly as buying beachfront property in Antarctica. My little adventure to stock up on cold medication set me back a whopping $26 (or around £19 for my fellow Brits). The price of relief, they say!

Epicurean Delights: Lunchtime at the Green Valley Grill

Now, let’s pivot from my valiant battle against the sniffles to more mouthwatering matters. After returning from the pharmaceutical battlefield, we made our way back to Julie’s for a splendid lunchtime rendezvous. We had a reservation at the Green Valley Grill, nestled within an old and charming hotel.

Food Envy: The Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Prawn Pasta Showdown

As the menus were unfurled before us, the girls made a unanimous decision: parmesan crusted chicken. Meanwhile, I embarked on a culinary quest of my own, opting for the prawn pasta. It’s worth noting that I couldn’t help but compare our meal prices to what we’re accustomed to back in the UK. The prawns in my pasta were behemoths, making the ones back home seem like mere shrimp. It’s official; I’ve been converted to Team USA for prawns!

Sweet Victories and Shared Delights

But the food escapades didn’t stop there. As the grand finale, we indulged in sweet treats. Michele and Julie shared a slice of honey lemon cake, a citrusy confection that danced on their taste buds, while and I tackled a luscious creme brulé. The battle of the bulge may be on the horizon, but who can resist such culinary delights?

From Sizzling Sun to Twilight Insects

With our bellies full and our spirits lifted, we retired to Julie’s charming abode. The afternoon was an epic tug-of-war between two contrasting realms – the garden, where the sun blazed at a sweltering 80 degrees and the living room, comfortably chilled by air conditioning.

Savoring the Southern Sun

In the garden, the Southern sun kissed our skin as we lounged and chatted, sipping on cool beverages. It was the kind of warmth that caresses your soul and reminds you why you love North Carolina.

Twilight’s Call and the Insect Invasion

As the evening drew near, we continued our garden escapades until the gentle hum of insects began to serenade us, signaling the impending transition from day to night. Our seats gradually became less comfortable as we squirmed in response to the tiny invaders, prompting a retreat to the safety of Julie’s cozy living room.

Julies Rear Garden view

In Summary

Day Eight in North Carolina had it all – the sniffles, scrumptious food, and a captivating battle between the sun’s embrace and the insects’ nocturnal symphony. While conquering man flu or surviving a cold may not be the most glamorous adventure, it’s all part of the delightful rollercoaster of life in this charming Southern state.

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