ambulance architecture building business

Knee-Deep in Drama: A&E Chronicles Part II!

Second Round at A&E: A Comedy of Injuries and Surprises

Twisted Tales of a Knee and Other Office Shenanigans

Well, well, well! Guess who found themselves back in the warm, welcoming embrace of the Accident and Emergency department? Yours truly, on the second trip in just five days! Life’s little surprises, they say, and this time it involved my middle son and his dramatic knee twist during a riveting game of football at school. As I walked in the door, prepared for a quiet evening, little did I know that a swollen knee awaited me, proudly displaying dimensions that could rival a small balloon. So, off we went, marching to the hospital for our encore performance at A&E.

The Knee Saga Unfolds

After a mere 20 minutes of hospital ambiance, my son was summoned for assessment. The verdict? A return visit was mandated for an X-ray the next day. It seems the culprit is none other than the medial cruciate ligament in his knee, showing signs of mischief. Now, you might think once is enough for a week, but life has a funny way of challenging your expectations. The saving grace? Granddad graciously offered to be the designated chauffeur for the early morning escapade, considering Michele and I are shackled by the chains of work commitments.

Knee Woes and Potential RAF Intrusions

Here’s a cheeky prediction: if it’s the medial cruciate ligament under siege, brace yourself for a letter from the Royal Air Force. Yes, the same RAF that has an uncanny ability to sense the vulnerability of teenage ligaments and promptly sends letters summoning them for an impromptu physical. Oh, the joys of youth!

Office Chronicles: The Good, the Bad, and the Qualifications

Away from the riveting knee drama, my workplace was a carousel of emotions today. On the brighter side, Katy B, our dear colleague, successfully navigated the treacherous waters of APC assessment for her RICS and emerged victorious, now proudly crowned with the title of a qualified Chartered Building Surveyor. A toast to Katy for putting the beers on the table in celebration! (Thanks, KB, you’re a gem!)

The Bittersweet Symphony

However, as life would have it, joy and sorrow often waltz together. Today’s sad note was the passing of Peter Worthington, one of the founding partners of our beloved Povall Worthington. Peter was not just a man’s man; he was the epitome of loyalty to his workforce. A figure whose legacy reverberates in the corridors and coffee rooms of our office. Farewell, Peter, may your spirit continue to echo in the bricks and beams you helped shape.

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