The Day I Got Locked in a Stairwell: Adventures with Arcadis and Autodesk

The Day We Got Locked in the Stairwell: An Autodesk Adventure

It’s 06:00, and the alarm is screaming at me. You know the drill—scramble out of bed, the prospect of a long day ahead looming large. Today’s the day, the big one. Meeting with the boss and the team at the hotel lobby by 06:45. No dilly-dallying; no time for anything other than making sure I’m not late. There’s something about early mornings that makes you question every life decision that’s led to this moment—why couldn’t we do this at 9:00 instead? Or better yet, noon? But alas, the world of Arcadis and Autodesk waits for no one, and we had work to do.

Into the Arcadis Office We Go!

By 07:00, we’re at the Arcadis office. It’s early, it’s busy, and the caffeine hasn’t quite kicked in yet. There’s a bit of a kerfuffle as we rearrange the meeting room for the 49 attendees we’re expecting from Arcadis and Autodesk. You know that slightly chaotic energy when everyone’s trying to help but ends up getting in each other’s way? That’s exactly what it was like—controlled chaos, if you will.

By the time we finished setting up, the morning schedule was already in full swing. A whirlwind of presentations was ahead of us, and honestly, I wasn’t sure if I should be more excited or terrified. But hey, breakfast was provided, so that softened the blow a bit. Nothing like a strong coffee and some pastries to lift the spirits.

Insights Galore: Learning How Tech Drives Progress

The day’s theme was all about how Arcadis teams are using technology to drive projects forward. Now, I’ll be honest, sometimes these kinds of presentations can be hit or miss, but today? Absolute gold. The insights were top-notch. It’s always impressive to see how different teams leverage the tools at their disposal—what might be a dull task for one team can be completely transformed with the right tech.

Three Arcadis teams took the stage, and they didn’t disappoint. Their demonstrations showed how they’re pushing boundaries with Autodesk technology, and I couldn’t help but think, “This is the future.” It was all about innovation, efficiency, and creating workflows that would make even the most seasoned project manager raise an eyebrow in appreciation. Quite the spectacle, really.

The Badge Hunt: Grabbing Our Autodesk University Credentials

Once the presentations wrapped up, and with lunch tucked away (delicious, by the way—props to whoever organised that!), it was time for a bit of a mission. We had to get our Autodesk University badges. Now, you’d think this would be a quick job, right? Wrong. There’s always a bit of faff when it comes to these things—queues, misprints, and the inevitable “I’ve lost my ID” situation. Fortunately, I managed to grab mine without too much drama.

There’s something oddly satisfying about having that badge in hand. It’s like being part of an exclusive club—one where everyone speaks in software updates and project specs. A bit nerdy? Perhaps. But we wear it proudly.

Back to Work (And a Minor Stairwell Mishap)

After the badge saga, we returned to the Arcadis office to squeeze in another hour of work. The office was buzzing, and you could feel the post-lunch energy dip setting in. That’s when Josha and I had the brilliant idea to take the stairs. You know, a quick jaunt between floors 10 and 11—what could possibly go wrong?

Well, everything, as it turns out.

The stairwell, for reasons beyond my understanding, had no exit. That’s right. We were trapped between floors, and it was rapidly becoming one of those sitcom moments. There we were, stuck, realising that our bright idea wasn’t so bright after all. Luckily, office security came to the rescue. A little embarrassing? Sure. But hey, at least we got our steps in for the day.

Wrapping Up with a Pint and Nibbles at Hard Rock Café

After the day’s events, the last thing on the agenda was the Eagle Point event at the Hard Rock Café. And after everything that happened—especially the whole getting stuck in the stairwell thing—a pint and some nibbles sounded like absolute heaven.

The event itself was casual but productive, the kind where conversations flow easier after a beer or two. There’s something about those end-of-day meetups that strikes the perfect balance between work and socialising. You can discuss projects, share ideas, and then switch to chatting about weekend plans all within the same sentence. I like to think that’s when some of the best business decisions are made—in that relaxed, low-pressure environment.

And let’s be honest, who can resist a good nibble? The food wasn’t half bad, and I’m not one to turn down a plate of wings when they’re offered.

Finally, Time for Bed

By the time I made it back to the hotel at 19:00, Michele was there to greet me with tales of her own busy day. It’s always nice to hear someone else’s adventures after a long one of your own—it puts things into perspective. We exchanged stories, laughed at the absurdity of getting stuck in a stairwell (I might never live that one down), and then it was time to wind down.

There’s something utterly magical about the moment you hit the pillow after a jam-packed day. Your body sinks, the world goes quiet, and sleep takes over in the best way possible. Tomorrow? Well, that’s a problem for future me.

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