This week has been about all things that fly. Flight is something that the animal kingdom has mastered over thousands of years of evolution, while mankind has only been flying for the past 100 years.
This week on the BBC there as been an excellent TV programme called Airport Live, there have been four programmes broadcast live from Heathrow Airport. The presenters have been given an all areas access which included the air traffic control tower, BA’s maintenance hangers and alsoandnbsp;the runways. Michele and myself have been glued to it as its given us an insight into the operations that all airports must have to go through.
Keeping up with my theme of flight, Michele and I were walking up towards Deansgateandnbsp;from the bottom of Chapel Street in Manchester when we saw two birds fighting over a third bird being held in the feet of one of the other birds. It was only later that evening on my walk back from work towards the car hat I passed a display by the theandnbsp;RSPB in Exchange Square behind Marks and Spencersandnbsp;where they had signs up saying see worlds fastest animal and a couple of monocular a were setandnbsp;up. I asked the girls from the RSPB what they were looking at and was toldandnbsp;that it was a pair of nesting peregrine falcons that had a broodandnbsp;of chicks that had only left the nest on Tuesday. I was toldandnbsp;what Michele and I saw was a mid airandnbsp;kill by the falcons killing in mid flight a pigeon for the chicks to feed upon.
Then today (Sunday) there was a scream of aircraft jets over the house and I was lucky to see six small jets in a triangle formation in full flight over the rooftops. They were not red in colour so weren’t the red arrows but were blue and yellow. I was later told they were doing a flyby for Veterans day in Leigh. They were low but too quick for me to get them on camera!
Lewis this week has passed his 1st year of catering college with a merit so both Michele and I are very proud parents 🙂
Drew however didn’t give us some good news as he’d Ben asked to eave his positionandnbsp;at work along with his mangerandnbsp;it appears there had been some turf war between the chef in the kitchen and the restaurant staff. Unfortunately for Drew the chef had won! I’m not too worried about Drew’s job prospects as he’s fully trained in ‘silver service’ after working for The Ritz for almost two years and I’m convinced he’ll get another job this week.
Sam has settled into her new job reasonably quickly after maternity leave and has got used to not being around Harry as much.
Josh is slowly creeping into being a terrible teenager with all the attitude lets hope that that part if growing up takes flight very soon!
Michele and I had our close friends Warren and Dawn round for tea on Saturday night which ended as usual a late one so today was a lazy day with the highlight for me was planting out the patio plants we’d bought the week before!
Life at 50 really is a full throttle flight 😉