K9 For Cops Art Installation in downtown Chicago 2018

River Walks and Commute Catastrophes: A Day in Chicago Life

Chicago 2018 – Day Four

Hitting the Tracks: Early Bird or Time-Traveler?

Oh, the joys of relying on Google for train schedules! Michele and I, in our quest to conquer Chicago from the suburban haven of Lisle, found ourselves caught in a time warp. The grand plan to catch the early train hit a snag when Google decided to play tricks, sticking us in the echoes of Sunday’s timetable. Early risers, or time-travel enthusiasts? You decide.

Union Station Revelry: Bagels and the Art of People-Watching

Finally unshackled from the clutches of temporal confusion, we landed at Union Station, Chicago. Fueling up with coffee and bagels, we stationed ourselves under the sun, indulging in the fine art of people-watching. Because, after all, the best way to start a day of urban exploration is with a bagel in hand and a coffee-fueled gaze at the passing parade.

The Great River Stroll: From Lake Street to Lake Michigan

The Chicago River walk beckoned, and Michele and I answered. The morning sun became our companion as we strolled from Lake Street to the vast expanse of Lake Michigan. A leisurely riverside jaunt, taking in the city’s heartbeat, before a well-deserved break at Navy Pier. Because every urban explorer needs a pit stop, especially when lakeside.

Bloomingdale’s Odyssey: The Quest for the Perfect Knife

Seeking the elusive chef’s knife for Lewis, Michele navigated the Bloomingdale’s labyrinth. A minor hiccup – wrong store. But fear not, intrepid shoppers! A mile later, we found the right Bloomingdale’s, only to discover the coveted knife was a no-show. The first Bloomingdale’s might hold the key. Backtracking with determination, we didn’t bag the knife but certainly mastered the art of a shopping odyssey.

River Bars and Commute Catastrophes: Tales from the Afternoon

No more walking – cue the cab! A riverside bar offered a perch for burger sharing and chicken strip indulgence, all while Chicagoans floated by on the river’s edge. Then came the fateful decision to board the train during rush hour. Standing room only, and a direct train mishap later, a cab ride back to Lisle became the cherry on top of a delightful day of transportation misadventures.

Home, Sweat, and Monday Night Football: The Evening Unwinds

Julie, already home from work, witnessed the triumphant return of the explorers. The evening unfolded with compost digging (sweat-inducing, apparently), football spectating, and some good ol’ Monday night banter. The Chicago Bears emerged victorious, and as the night beckoned, it was time for our intrepid trio to bid adieu.

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