Mexico day seven – Spa day

Today is Spa day and one we are looking forward to.

But I’ll start this blog off by saying we were both a little disappointed with the Mexican restaurant last night, not quite what we expected. The chilli con carne was a starter only and not a spicy dish at all 🙁 but we did finish the meal off with 3 shots of flavoured tequila and did I sleep well? You sure bet 🙂

Breakfast in the buffet hall again, but now Michele had found the poached eggs! Joshua would like the free flowing ‘Lucky Charms’ though!

We settled in on the sun beds in an over cast day, we even managed 90 seconds of rain!

No problems with the rain as we were off to the spa for our hydrotherapy session. I had wanted a full massage but a friend has suggested I didn’t as I was still recovering from a fractured shoulder. But the hydrotherapy session was a very good second. I tried to get in the ice bath but only got to the top of my thigh before my brain said no chance!!

BBQ for lunch

We finished the afternoon off on the Balinese beds, then a coffee while we skyped Warren and Dawn.

This evening we were at the Japanese restaurant for a special/theatrical chef presentation. Last time we had this was 5 years ago in Jamaica with Julie, David and Beverley.

Now tucked up in bed ready to start our second week tomorrow

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